After the opening of the XXXI General Chapter of the Adorers on September 18, 2023, the Capitular Sisters have lived 2 days of retreat (September 19 and 20).
On the morning of the 19th, Fr. Gonzalo, a Claretian, began this period of reflection by giving an enlightening talk to help the sisters prepare for the General Chapter in progress.
During his introductory talk, Fr. Gonzalo described that this Retreat would be as a symphony composed of 4 movements: Being (We Are Here), Speaking (We Share), Listening (We Pray), celebration (We Celebrate).
At the end of these two days of reflection, in the following video, Sisters Diana and Pilar highlight the idea that this moment of reflection has given them. “Reality cannot be changed overnight¨, it is necessary to accept it, to embrace it, in order to see with “new eyes and a new way of looking”, “to direct and accompany this reality, making it, transforming it” and, first of all, to live this path of transformation personally.