On March 20, 2024, the General Government team and the Provincial Government teams of the Congregation of Sisters Adorers, Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity, held an online meeting about the General Government Plan 2024-2026 .
Our Congregation, present in 24 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and America, is structured in 4 provinces (America, Europe-Africa, Kolkata and Mumbai) and one delegation (Japan).
General Government Plan of the Adorers 2024-2026
This meeting was convened after the XXXI General Chapter (which took place from September 18 to October 13, 2023) and the Provincial Chapters (January-February 2024) in order to share and dialogue on the General Government Plan of the Adorers for the three-year period 2024-2026.
First of all, the desire of the Congregation for this period was presented: to care for and accompany the communities in order to be generators of life, fraternity and hope in fidelity to the Adorers’ charism today. The meeting was divided into 3 blocks (“We form ourselves”, “We live in Mission” and “We reorganize ourselves”).
“We Form Ourselves”, “We Live in Mission” and “We Reorganize Ourselves”
In the block “We Form Ourselves”, the Adorers intend to offer a systematic and integral formation in all stages of life, according to the General Plan of Formation, covering all aspects of the person, of consecrated life and of the Adorers’ Mission.
With regard to “We live in Mission”, the Congregation wishes to foster communities that live in Mission, where each sister contributes to the good of the Congregation, from where she is and with the abilities she has.
Finally, “We Reorganize” means to analyze, accompany and implement decision-making processes that support and give continuity to the congregational restructuring that has already begun.
New style of congregational leadership
Following this first meeting and the work plan presented, the different areas of the Congregation will work to shape a new style of congregational leadership that aims to be more synodal and charismatic.
All this work will be approached through 2 structures:
- Two large teams that will configure the areas of Formation and Apostolic Action. Formation and Pastoral Ministry will be integrated into the first, while Apostolic Action will include Social Work and Shared Mission. These teams will be made up of 12 sisters, who are the sisters of the General Government, Provincial Governments and Delegation who are part of these same areas. Together they will constitute the large Formation or Apostolic Action team respectively.
- A driving team for the reorganization formed by the Superior General and Provincial Superiors and the Bursars of the different levels of Government, who will carry out the studies and proposals in this section for subsequent decision making.
The work done during these 3 years will be transferred to the General Assembly that will take place in the year 2026, where an evaluation will be made after which it will be decided how to continue.
This has been the first meeting of many more, as this new work methodology generates precisely the participation and collaboration between the Provinces and the General Government, forging many more synergies and congregational work, enhancing synodality and being Congregation.