Advent: A time to worship and serve

Advent: A time to worship and serve

Advent: A time to worship and serve. Advent invites us to prepare for Christmas, the feast of the birth of Jesus, the one who comes to save us, to free us, to enlighten us, to love us. He who comes to be our bread, our food, our strength, our life.

For the Adorers, Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity, and the Adorers’ Family, Advent has a special dimension, it connects us to our identity and our mission. Advent invites us to live our charism of Adoration and Liberation, of contemplation and action, of intimacy and solidarity.

It invites us to adore Jesus in the smallest, in the seemingly insignificant, in the seemingly non-existent, in fragility, to recognise his real presence and infinite love, to renew our faith. And it invites us to serve Jesus in women, to welcome their suffering face and their dignity, to defend their rights and their freedom, to accompany them in their process of recovery and integration.

In this way, Advent invites us to live our vocation with consistency and passion, to give witness to our consecration and our fraternity, to share our spirituality, our charism and mission. Advent also invites us to give thanks to God for the gift of our foundress, St. Maria Micaela, and of so many sisters who have lived and are living faithfully and generously their call to be Adorers. Advent invites us to ask God to continue to call more young women to our Congregation, to give us the grace to discern and accompany their vocations.

May Advent be for all people a time to love and to proclaim, to grow and to mature, to live and to celebrate. May Advent prepare us to celebrate Christmas, the birth of Jesus, Emmanuel, God with humanity.


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