The XXXI General Chapter of our Congregation, the Adorers, Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity, continues to move forward with the blocks dedicated to Formation and the Chapter theme: “Living Communities that Walk in Hope”.
On the 2nd October, the Chapter Sisters resumed their work by tackling the section on Formation: Reality and proposals of the XXX General Chapter.
The next day began with an enlightening talk by Fr. Gonzalo Fernández, Claretian, on the theme of this XXXI General Chapter: on the theme of this XXXI General Chapter: “Living Communities that Walk in Hope: Open to the Spirit, aware of the reality, embraced as it is, joyful in the mission”.
In this way, from the 3rd to the 6th of October 2023, the Chapter Sisters have been reflecting, on a personal and group level, on the Chapter document that was elaborated with the contributions of all the sisters of the Congregation in the local, zonal and provincial conversations.
The methodology of this space for reflection was based on 3 approaches: synodal, narrative and appreciative.
- Synodal: Walking together to discern what the Lord is asking of us at this time.
- Narrative: The words we use when we narrate what we live, transform and define our reality.
- Appreciative: We discover the possibilities and energies of the community for a process of transformation.
Further proposals to the General Government will be made on 7 October. On the 9th the election of the Superior General of the Congregation will take place and, the following day, the election of the General Government Team will happen.