Sister Antonia Pérez, Dulcinea 2023 award in Ciudad Real, Spain

Sister Antonia Pérez, Dulcinea 2023 award in Ciudad Real, Spain

The Cultural Association of Dulcineas y Damas Manchegas has awarded the “Dulcinea 2023” prize to our Sr.  Antonia Pérez for her work in Ciudad Real, Spain.

Antonia has stood out as a reference for trafficking in the diocese of Ciudad Real, doing an extraordinary job in raising awareness, promoting and coordinating actions at local and diocesan level. In addition, she has carried out various activities to raise awareness of the serious problem of trafficking, such as the inspiring days around Saint Bakhita and enriching talks in institutes, schools and town halls.

Sister Antonia is also an active member of the Trafficking Roundtable of Ciudad Real, the Diocesan Roundtable for Decent Work and the CONFER board of Ciudad Real.

The Dulcinea Awards recognize women who in one way or another are examples and references for society in Ciudad Real.

In addition to Sister Antonia López, this year 2023 María Santiago, Sara Ortega and Pepa Maldonado have been awarded.

The presence of the Sisters Adorers, Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity, in Ciudad Real celebrates 85 years in 2023.

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