Closing Eucharist of the XXXI General Chapter of the Adorers in Valencia, Spain

Closing Eucharist of the XXXI General Chapter of the Adorers in Valencia, Spain

The closing Eucharist of the XXXI General Chapter of the Sisters Adorers, Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity, took place this October 13 at the House in Valencia, Spain.

The 31st General Chapter of the Adorers was held from September 18 to October 13, 2023 in Guadalajara, Spain.

The 29 Chapter members traveled to Valencia from Guadalajara for the Eucharist. In this Spanish city lies the body of St. Maria Micaela, foundress of our Congregation, to whom the Sisters were able to present their prayers.

Closing Eucharist of the XXXI General Chapter of the Adorers

In the entrance procession, our Superior General, Sr. Pilar Casas, carried the flags of the 24 countries in which the Adorers are present as a sign of the Congregation and of universality. The Members of the General Government Team, for their part, carried a candle in their hands, symbol of the light of Christ guiding the journey of the Congregation which they lead.

At around 12:30 (Spanish time) the Mass began in the chapel of Mother Sacramento. The celebration, which was also attended by the sisters of the Community of Valencia, was presided over by Fr. Vicente Botella, a Dominican.

At the offertory, in addition to the Bread and Wine, the following offerings were presented: the Chapter Document, the new Directory and the General Formation Plan for Shared Mission. During the Eucharistic Prayer, a group of sisters performed a dance of praise before the culminating moment of the Eucharist.

After the Mass, before returning to Guadalajara, they gathered for a fraternal meal with all those present, a relaxed moment to share together.

Let us continue to pray for the fruits of this XXXI General Chapter from which new life emanates for the Adorers and the Adorers’ Family in the next 6 years.


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