After the XXXI General Chapter of the Congregation, we, the Sisters Adorers, Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity, will celebrate our Provincial Chapters from January 15 to February 9, 2024.
Our Congregation is structured in 4 provinces (America, Europe-Africa, Kolkata and Mumbai) and one delegation (Japan), therefore 5 different meetings will be held.
What are Provincial Chapters?
The Provincial Chapter is a representative assembly of the whole Province which expresses the participation of all the sisters in the government. Sisters from each Province of the Congregation are summoned to these meetings, some by right, such as the provincial leaders and superiors of each community, and others elected by the sisters who make up the Provinces as delegates.
These provincial meetings are held every three years and serve to concretize the conclusions of the XXXI General Chapter of the Adorers, held from 18 September to 13 October 2023, elaborating the guidelines of the Provinces and Delegation for the next three years.
The Provincial Chapter calls us to pray, share and celebrate the life of the Congregation, discerning together what the Spirit wants for the life of the Provinces and the world today, based on our Charism and Mission of Adoration and Liberation.
In addition, in each of the Provinces and Delegation, respectively, the Sister Provincial Superior and Delegate will be elected, as well as the Sisters Consulters who will accompany them in the Provincial Government.
The dates and venues of the Provincial Chapters are as follows:
- Province of America. From 15 to 22 January. Santa Cruz – Bolivia.
- Delegation of Japan. 17 to 20 January. Kitami, Tokyo -Japan.
- Province of Mumbai. 23-27 January. Mumbai-India.
- Kolkata Province. 29 January to 2 February. Kolkata-India.
- Europe-Africa: 6 to 9 February. Guadalajara- Spain.
Our Superior General, Sr. Pilar Casas, will preside over the event of the Delegation of Japan, the Provincial Chapter of Mumbai and that of Kolkata. The dynamic-methodology to be used in the Provincial Chapters of the Adorers is that of appreciative enquiry.
Province of America
The Province of America is composed of 208 Adorers distributed in 29 communities in 10 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Peru, Dominican Republic and Venezuela.
This Provincial Chapter will be attended by a total of 64 sisters from these countries. The province has 2 projects which are coordinated by lay people.
The preparation of this provincial event began with the Transfer of the XXXI General Chapter, prepared by the sisters who participated in this Congregational event. All the communities of the province took part in this transfer by telematic means.
The Provincial team, for its part, established a plan on how to carry out the Chapter and from this moment they have been building the chronogram to be developed.
Through circulars, the Chapter was convoked and the Sister Provincial Superior has been informing the communities about the starting date, the sisters who participate by right, the voting by single list, the guidelines regarding the elaboration of the written and visual memory, as well as assigning responsibilities to facilitate the development of the Chapter.
Planning has also been developed for the transfer of the documents worked on at the General Chapter: Directory, General Plan of Formation in Shared Mission and the Chapter Document.
The work of the Provincial Chapter is structured as follows:
- Opening of the Chapter and Eucharist.
- Provincial and community reports.
- Plan of Formation in Shared Mission.
- Chapter Document.
- Work on the Chapter document by the whole Assembly to which they will dedicate a full day for reflection, appropriation and application to the reality of the Province.
- Illumination for the elections of the Provincial Government by Fr. Antonio Santillán).
- Election of the new Sister Provincial and Consultants.
- Fraternal walk of thanksgiving and cultural event.
- Chapter conclusions, recommendations and closing.
Delegation of Japan
The Delegation of Japan has 40 sisters distributed in 6 communities in 3 countries: Japan, Vietnam and Cambodia. 13, will participate in the Delegation Assembly.
Prior to the celebration of this event, the documents (in 3 languages) have been prepared in the Delegation of Japan and sent to the delegates so that they can study them before addressing them in the Assembly. In addition, they were visited by the Superior General of the Adorers, Sister Pilar Casas, together with the Delegate, Sister Manuela Kalo, who transmitted the XXXI General Chapter to the Sisters and lay people who participate in our mission.
The Chapter is structured as follows in the 4 days that compose it:
- 17 January: Report and talk by a sister who participated in the Synod on the synodality of the Church held last October.
- 18 January: Report and presentation of the Chapter documents.
- 19 January: Based on the study of the documents, the plan for the next 3 years in the Delegation will be drawn up.
- 20 January: Information on the structure of the support team and the Area leaders.
Province of Mumbai
The Mumbai Province includes 68 sisters spread over 13 communities in India. Its Provincial Chapter will be held at the Atmadarshan Centre in Mahakali, Mumbai and 40 sisters will be part of this meeting.
The sisters of the communities have prepared the Provincial Chapter as follows:
- Election of the Chapter delegates.
- Suggestions and proposals for the welfare of the Province.
- Animation and guidance by the Provincial through circular letter.
- Pre chapter work. Reflection on the 4 questions sent from the Province.
- Studying the chapter document and General Plan of formation by the chapter members.
- Praying for the success of the Chapter.
Province of Kolkata
The Kolkata Province consists of 14 communities spread over 2 countries: India and Nepal. At present there are 67 Sisters residing in the Province and 8 Sisters working as missionaries in different countries of the Congregation.
A total of 37 Sisters will participate in this 13th Provincial Chapter of the Kolkata Province. 18 sisters are participating in the Chapter in their own right, the Provincial Superior and her Councillors, the Provincial Secretary and the Bursar, as well as the superiors of the communities. The other 18 sisters attend as delegates of the Province elected by the Sisters of the Province.
This event was announced through the Circular Letter of Sr. Lissiamma Joseph, Provincial Superior, so the whole Province has been actively involved in the spiritual and material preparation of the event.
- Prior to the Provincial Conference the questionnaires were being sent to the communities from the Province to evaluate the Life and Mission in the communities. In the Provincial Assembly, it was evaluated, discussed and taken some measures to carry it out in the communities to improve their quality of life and mission.
- A seminar on appreciative inquiry was conducted online for the entire Province.
- A soft copy of the XXXI General Chapter document was dispatched to the Chapter members for the personal study and reflection.
- An hour of special Adoration is made by each community every day.
The planning of the Provincial Chapter in Kolkata is similar to that of the XXXI General Chapter, such as:
- Opening Eucharist.
- Procession and kindling of the lamp.
- Opening address by the Superior General.
- Presentation of the reports of the Province and of the communities.
- Study of the document of the XXXI General Chapter.
- Election of the Provincial and her councillors.
- Eucharist of thanksgiving.
Provincia of Europe-Africa
The Province of Europe-Africa has 303 sisters distributed in 38 communities located in 8 countries: Spain, Italy, Portugal, England, Morocco, Togo and Cape Verde.
In this Provincial Chapter, with the motto “Living Communities, open to the Spirit, walking in Hope”, 76 sisters will participate, representing the different countries and all the communities and types of mission (communities of elderly sisters, Social Work, schools, homes of welcome, communities in mission countries), of different cultures and ages.
This event has been prepared through:
- Organisation of a Provincial meeting space with the transmission of the General Chapter to all communities and lay people.
- Elaboration of reports and their keys in all areas – provincial teams and communities.
- Preliminary work in all the communities on the Congregational dream.
The planning of the Provincial Chapter is as follows:
- Space for Silence, interiorisation, enlightenment and openness to the Spirit.
- Presentation of the memories. Keys of reading.
- Presentation, reflection and work: Document of the XXXI General Chapter: “Living Communities that walk in Hope”.
- General Formation Plan for the Shared Mission.
- Study of the sustainability of the Province.
- Elections of Provincial Superior and Council.
- Concluding work.