Sister Pilar Casas, Superior General of the Adorers, along with sisters from Italy, Cambodia and Togo are participating in the 2nd General Assembly of Talitha Kum.
About 200 delegates of Talitha Kum, coming from about 90 countries of the world, representing religious women and men, lay people, youth and survivors are meeting from May 18-24, 2024 at the Fraterna Domus in Sacrofano, Rome.
The Congregation of the Sisters Adorers, Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity, who accompany women affected by the “unworthy plague” of human trafficking in our mission of Adoration and Liberation, are part of this Talitha Kum network.
“Walking together and together to end Human Trafficking”
Throughout the assembly a synodal approach has been adopted with the theme “Walking Together to End Human Trafficking: Compassion in Action for Transformation”. As reported by Talitha Kum, the sisters and collaborators are meeting these days to dialogue, listen, discern and share in order to continue to engage and strategically address the issue of human trafficking in the world.
With all this, the members of Talitha Kum continue to respond to the call of Pope Francis “not to stand still, to mobilize all our resources in the fight against trafficking and in the restoration of full dignity to those who have been trafficked”.
Program of the 2nd Assembly of Talitha Kum
On Sunday, May 19, the Eucharist was celebrated with Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, presided by Prefect of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.
Some of the sessions of the Assembly are being transmitted live here. Throughout the Assembly, renowned speakers, including testimonies from survivors, youth and sisters committed to the grassroots, will share their experiences in combating human trafficking through collaboration and networking among religious communities, civil society leaders, diplomats, international organizations, etc.
The Assembly expects to draft a Final Declaration of what its members stand for, as well as focus points that will help Talitha Kum move forward and strengthen its networking and collaboration; actions to be implemented between 2025 and 2030.
A closing plenary session open to the public will take place on Wednesday, May 22. Delegates will meet with invited guests, partner organizations and Ambassadors to the Holy See to give feedback on the Assembly, formally present the Final Declaration and answer questions. This will be followed by the 15th Anniversary Celebration.
This meeting will officially conclude on Thursday, May 23 with an audience with the Holy Father Francis, a liturgy celebrated by Cardinal Michael Czerny in St. Peter’s Basilica and the award ceremony for the Sisters Against Trafficking Award at the Augustinianum Auditorium in Rome (Sisters Against Trafficking Award). Through it, 3 sisters will be recognized for their exceptional courage, creativity, collaboration and achievements in protecting their communities against human trafficking.