Merry Christmas 2024 from the General Government of Sisters Adorers!
Christmas is a time filled with love, gratitude and hope. This 2024, the General Government of Adorers wishes to share a special message of peace and joy with our sisters, the Adorer Family and all people.
A Message of Light and Hope
The birth of the Saviour reminds us of God’s unconditional love and invites us to be bearers of light and hope in a world full of challenges. In the words of Sr Pilar Casas, Superior General: ‘May we be able to transmit to all that God is still alive and at work in our history’.
Christmas is the perfect time to reflect on our values, on our relationships, to renew solidarity and to extend a helping hand to those who need it most. From our communities to the women we accompany in our mission of Adoration and Liberation, may this time be a time of reconciliation, love and happiness.
In these special days, let us remember that the message of Christmas transcends borders and circumstances. It is a call to live with joy and to pass on the same hope that Jesus gives us. Every smile shared, every gesture of kindness and every word of encouragement is a reflection of divine love.
Gratitude and blessings for the New Year
With hearts full of gratitude for all the love shared, we wish you a blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year filled with fruit and mercy. May the light of the Saviour illuminate every step of life’s journey, filling you with hope and strength to face the challenges and joys that 2025 will present.
From the General Government of Adorers, we send you special greetings. May this Christmas inspire us to be bearers of the message of love and hope in every corner of the world.
Share the message of love and hope
Merry Christmas 2024 and a blessed New Year 2025! Share this message on social media and bring the spirit of Christmas to those you love the most.