End of the visit of the General Government to the Province of America: A Mission Full of Life

End of the visit of the General Government to the Province of America: A Mission Full of Life

After several months of travel, from September to December 2024, the visit of the General Government of the Adorers, led by Sister Pilar Casas, Superior General, and Sister Rosaura Patiño, Vicar General, has come to an end in the Province of America. This journey has been an opportunity to strengthen links, to listen to the realities of 9 countries and to sow hope and commitment in the shared mission.

What is a knowledge visit?

A knowledge visit is an itinerary undertaken by the Sisters Consultants of the General Government to get to know and strengthen ties with the communities, projects and educational centres of the different Provinces of the Congregation. Currently, the Adorers have 4 Provinces (Europe-Africa, America, Kolkata and Mumbai) and one delegation (Japan), which include the 24 countries in which we are present. You can visit our website to find out more here.

A journey full of closeness and fraternity

The visit to the Province of America included various communities in Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Chile and Argentina, where the sisters of the General Government shared with other sisters, women who are the beneficiaries of the Social Work and lay people of the Adorers’ Family, as well as with the professional teams. In each meeting, naturalness and warmth of Sisters Pilar and Rosaura was perceived, generating unforgettable moments.

Sister Marjori, from Quito, Ecuador, tells of this meeting with the Superior General: “It gave us great satisfaction and joy to see her enjoy the presentation of the women and her meetings with them. She left us this expression written in her own handwriting: ‘My gratitude for putting music and songs in my life, shared with you all”.

For her part, Estefania, a laywoman from Cordoba, Argentina, shares: “It was really a very special and meaningful moment for the whole community. We appreciate your dedication, closeness and simplicity. May we continue to strengthen the bonds that unite us as an Adorer family and may the charism continue to spread, especially where it is not known. All for the glory of God”.

The richness of the Adorers’ charism in each community

The richness of the Adorers‘ charism of Adoration and Liberation was present in each community they visited, as Sister Mary Cruz emphasised from Sucre, Bolivia: “The visit of the sisters awakened the thought of our foundress: ‘May our distinctive mark be to love God as no one else’. This step filled us with hope, closeness and fraternity, manifested in each sister, the recipients and lay people who accompany us on this journey together”.

From Santiago de Chile, Sister Mercedes said: “Our community was very happy with the visit. From the first moment, we felt their closeness, kindness and fraternity. In each meeting, they showed a remarkable capacity to listen and clarify the  answers to address the realities of our mission”.

“Sr Pilar and Sr Rosaura showed a very palpable capacity to listen and a very particular interest in each of the people, and they were very kind and convincing in their responses to all of them. The young women of our centre were very happy, very grateful, very impressed by the moment of sharing with them, in which the community also participated”, she added.

The visit of knowledge, an impulse to move forward

From Cúcuta, in Colombia, Gabriel, a layman, said: ‘The impulse of the visit of our sisters to Colombia has generated, in each of the houses and communities, the desire to continue with this work of St. Maria Micaela. Likewise, the closeness, fraternity, love and passion for the apostolate, were the seeds that they left planted in these lands of our beautiful country, with the aim of continuing to move forward with commitment and firmness in this mission as “living communities that walk in hope”.

Moreover, for him, this “was not a visit of protocols and structures, but on the contrary, they were moments of feeling that we are not alone, that there is a friendly hand and that there is a mutual feeling of brotherhood and that in family life is lived at the table. What remains, are words of gratitude and the desire to continue waiting for another meeting, to continue working hard and to continue demonstrating that Mother Sacramento still lives in the hearts of those who meet her”.

In the words of our foundress, Gabriel sums up the experience in this way: “We only have to work in the God’s work so that He carries half of the burden, and even all of it if we truly give ourselves to Him”.

End of the visit of the General Government to the Province of America: A horizon of shared mission

The knowledge visits to the Province of America not only renewed the commitment of the communities to the Adorers’ charism in the shared mission with lay people but also reinforced the desire to continue to move forward as communities on the move, open to service, love and hope.

The thanks of the Province of America go to Sisters Pilar Casas and Rosaura Patiño for their dedication and for spreading the spirit of our foundress, St. Maria Micaela. This trip has been received as a true gift from God and the footprints they have left in each country are an inspiration to continue working for the Adorers’ mission.

Do you want to know more about how our mission is developing in the Province of America? Visit our blog and follow our social networks (Facebook y Youtube)) to keep up to date.

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