After an intense three-month journey, the visit of the General Government to the Province of Europe-Africa of the Adorers, Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity came to an end.
This journey has left behind a path of meaningful encounters, deep learning and moments of communion. Although the closing of this stage was delayed due to the hurricane that affected Valencia, the experience has been a living testimony of the charism of Adoration and Liberation of the Congregation, brought to life in the various realities and communities of the province.
Joy and learning along the way
On September 20, Sisters Carmen Pascual, Lissiamma Thuruthikara and Gabriela Valot, Consultants to the General Government, undertook this visit of knowledge with a clear objective: ‘Aware of the need to get to know, visit and get closer to the communities, projects, schools and to strengthen links with the Adorer Family of the Province of Europe-Africa’, explains Sister Gabriela, who shared her testimony about the meaning of this visit.
The journey began in Togo, on the African continent, and then extended to Spain, Morocco, Cape Verde and the United Kingdom. ‘The joy of the encounters marked the itinerary, a long journey of three months in which we met with sisters, members of the Social Work teams, of schools and vocational training centres, as well as with some women from projects previously visited; in other places it was a first acquaintance, putting faces to names, places and places heard, which took on another dimension as we were able to get closer and share’, says our consultant.
It has been a trip where bonds were rekindled and ‘life’ was shared, as Sr Gabriela says: ‘With all that this means, daily life and the effort to show us the best of each place, of each space, what is woven every day in the community relationships, in the mission, the dreams, the realities realised with effort, the challenges faced and what remains to be done… spaces of close and affectionate listening, because it is family…’.
‘We have felt at home, with the trust and affection of those who welcomed us. We are grateful for the dedication of each community, for the process of the women with whom we are journeying and we place in the hands of our Saint the desires that are in our hearts to bring the charism to life, wherever we are’, she also emphasised.
The richness of the Adorers’ charism in action
At each stop along the way: ‘We have perceived the richness of the charism made life, in each of the places visited, incarnated in concrete realities, with its pluses and minuses, in some places with more resources, more structure and more funding, but in all, the desire to respond to the needs of women’, explains Sr Gabriela.
Reorganisation of the mission in the Province of Europe-Africa
The visit also served as a call for the reorganisation of the apostolic mission in the Province of Europe-Africa, as taken up at the last General Chapter. ‘We have to continue to value the great experience we have as Adorers, growing together and spreading the richness we have as a charismatic family, open to all people – sisters and laity – on the path of Shared Mission,’ she recalled.
Closing in Valencia: challenges and gratitude
The end of the visit of the General Government of Adorers to the Province of Europe-Africa had to be rescheduled due to the outbreak of the DANA in Valencia, Spain, the city where St. Maria Micaela, foundress of our Congregation, is buried. This change not only meant a logistical reorganisation, but also an ‘opportunity to give thanks for the shared life, the dedication of each community with their respective teams, to value the process of the women with whom we make the journey and to place in the hands of our Saint the desires that are in our hearts to make the charism come alive, wherever we are’.
Finally, Sister Gabriela expressed her deep gratitude to all the people and communities who opened their doors: ‘Thank you to all those who have welcomed us, with whom we have shared and from whom we have learned’.
A horizon of hope
This journey has been much more than a visit of acquaintance; it has been a witness to the dynamism of the Adorers’ mission and commitment to women. Despite the challenges faced, the vision of being ‘living communities that live in mission’, always open to new forms of collaboration and apostolate, has been strengthened.
Looking to the future, the Adorer Family of the Province of Europe-Africa continues to build on the foundations of this experience, with the desire to spread the richness of the charism and to continue to respond to the needs of today’s world.