Accompany Ann Mutuku for her First Religious Profession on 23 November 2024

Accompany Ann Mutuku for her First Religious Profession on 23 November 2024

On November 23, 2024 Ann Mukulu Mutuku, a novice of the Congregation of the Adorers, Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity, will make her First Religious Profession. We invite you to join Ann in prayer and support on this special day.

Details of the Eucharistic Celebration

📅 Date: 23 November 2024

🕐 Time: 13:00 (Spanish time)

📍 Place: Parroquia de San Rafael Arcángel, Madrid (C. Otero y Delage, 103).

Ann’s vocational journey

Ann Mutuku, originally from Machakos, Kenya, is 39 years old and has been on a profound vocational journey. She felt God’s call to be an Adorer, to dedicate her life to the service of God and the most vulnerable people, especially women who suffer from prostitution, trafficking and other forms of violence.

She got to know the Congregation in Spain in 2019, thanks to a friend, and since then, she has gone through the different stages of formation: getting to know each other in the community of Adorers Peñagrande (Madrid), the Prenovitiate in Valencia and the Novitiate, which is currently in Peñagrande, in Carabanchel (Madrid).

Spiritual preparation for her First Profession

In recent months, Ana has intensified her preparation through spiritual exercises and a specific formation with the sisters of the Congregation. She also made a retreat at the house in Valencia, where the body of St. Maria Micaela, foundress of the Sisters Adorers, rests.

As a result of this process, for her first religious profession, she found inspiration in the Gospel passage: ‘Whoever among you wants to be great must become the servant of you all’ (Mt 20:26-27), which reflects her desire to live Eucharistic Adoration with a deep connection to the people who suffer most.

Ann’s Testimony: The Encounter with Christ that transformed her life

‘My vocation was born from an encounter with Christ, which generated in me an aspiration for the consecrated life. I have always felt an inner attraction to Jesus, at the same time as I felt Him drawing me to Himself. I explain it with the metaphor of a magnet: two forces that attract each other.

This mutual attraction matured throughout my vocational journey until I decided to take my life seriously and took the step of approaching the Congregation of the Adorers. The first time I visited the sisters, I was surprised to meet many young women. I thought they were all religious, but they soon explained to me that they were women from one of the projects of the Social Work of the Congregation, who live with them and are part of our Adorers’ family. That answer resonated deeply with me; it gave me a lot to think about.

During my vocational accompaniment, a sister explained to me that the Adorers’ Congregation is completely Eucharistic. The Eucharist is a banquet of inclusion, and in this same way, Adorers include women in situations of exclusion, helping them in their own process towards autonomy and integral promotion.

After that experience in the community of Peñagrande, I saw myself reflected in that life and decided to begin my vocational process. Little by little, I began to like and fall in love with the Adorers charism, until today I have reached the important step of making my first vows.

What does first religious profession mean?

First Religious Profession is a crucial moment in the life of a novice. With her vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, Ann consecrates herself fully to God and to the service of others. In her case, this means joining the mission of the Adorers, whose pillars are Eucharistic Adoration and work for the Liberation of women victims of exploitation and violence.

How you can support Ann’s vocation and the Adorers’ mission

Consecrated life is not lived alone; it is nourished by the support and prayer of the community. If you would like to support Ann and contribute to the mission of the Adorers, you can:

  1. Join in prayer on the day of her first religious profession.
  2. Make a donation to support the Congregation’s projects for women in vulnerable situations.
  3. Share this event with your friends and family so that they can join in this day of celebration and commitment.

Donate and learn more about our mission here, thank you for your support!

Our Mission: Liberate, Promote and Integrate

The Adorers have been working since 1856 with women who have faced prostitution, human trafficking and other forms of violence. We focus on the promotion and social insertion of women, giving them back the dignity and offering them new life opportunities, giving them new life opportunities, giving them back the dignity and giving them back the dignity they deserve. Visit our Social Work in the world page to find out how you can be part of this work of accompanying and supporting vulnerable women.

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