Reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent 2023

Reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent 2023

On this second Sunday of Lent 2023 we share a reflection prepared by the Sisters Adorers, Province of Mumbai:

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, as we are in the second Sunday of the lent the Gospel presents to us an episode of Jesus being transfigured on the mount Tabor, in the sight of three of his beloved disciples. There are three key points for our reflection.

Firstly, Mountain has emphasis in both the New as well as Old Testament. The mountain is the place where people came in contact with God. Abraham goes to offer his only son on a mountain, God brings himself face to face with Moses on the mount, Elijah experiences God in the gentle breeze on the mountain, Jesus goes to pray on the mountain, he is crucified on the mountain; he ascends to the Father from the mountain. Mountain is the place where human meets the Divine. Are we aware of the mountain? The place of Divine encounter within us!

Secondly, in the episode of Transfiguration Jesus’s clothes had shown like dazzling white. So clean, so radiant, so white that the disciples never saw on earth. Thomas Aquinas believes Transfiguration is the greatest miracles because in Transfiguration baptism has come to completion and has showed perfection of life in Heaven. Dazzling white reveals to us the heavenly experience, only when we encounter God on the mountain of life can we be able to experience this unimaginable glory of Heaven.

Lastly, we reflect on three Disciples, the witnesses. After being with Jesus on the mountain and experiencing the Divine and the heavenly glory, they could not keep to themselves all that they had seen. They went out proclaiming what they had seen. The beginning of the proclamation. The question to be reflected is: Have we been the effective witnesses of Christ? Today, through the medium of the Gospel, Church invites us to experience the divine, part take of the heavenly glory of the risen Christ. And go out proclaiming to others what we ourselves have experienced. Amen.


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