On the occasion of the feast of St. Maria Micaela, the General Government of the Adorers, Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament and of Charity, wishes to congratulate and commemorate together with the entire Adorers Family the gift of our foundress: Micaela LIVES!
In Micaela and with her begins our congregational history, a living history that accompanies and illuminates our present and drives us into the future. What a richness! What a spiritual legacy! Deep and full of life roots that continue giving life to the Adorer congregational tree.
Dear family, the charism, the gift of the Spirit to the Church and the courage of Micaela, continue to push us today (Adorer, mystic and prophet in the 21st century). Micaela was filled with a restlessness to know what God wanted of her and her Work. Her trust in Him was total: ‘Do not fail me, that I may not fail you, that I may not be found by you’ (Cf. A 246).
In this Chapter year let us ask St. Micaela to walk with those who form this great family, lay people, sisters, women, and to accompany in their present and future life, that we may be “living communities that walk-in hope”. May she intercede for the XXXI General Chapter.
Teresa Valenzuela and General Team
15 June, Feast of St. Maria Micaela from Valencia
On 15 June 2023, we invite you to celebrate the feast of St. Maria Micaela from the House of Valencia, Spain. After the recent reopening of the Museum of the foundress of the Adorers, we want to continue sharing and celebrating her life with the entire Adorer Family.
To this end, on that day, beginning at 6:30 p.m. (Spanish time), we will broadcast the Eucharist live from Valencia on the Congregation’s YouTube channel, through the following link: